Friday, September 19, 2014

First Days

It's official.  I survived my first day in Bangkok!  ::happy dance::  I arrived at about 9:30 am Wednesday after having left San Francisco at 1:40 am on Tuesday.  It's weird losing an entire day while on a plane.  I watched movies and slept during my total of about 15 hours of air time.  Two things I can say about this experience.  One: I'm very glad the two seats next to me on both flights were empty so I could stretch out (as much as you can on a plane) and Two: I'm glad my watch tells me what day it is.  At least one of us knows what's going on.  And the plane to Taipei was huge!!!  It had over 50 rows, 9 across, and an upstairs!!!  ::shakes head::  I was worried the thing wasn't going to get off the ground.

I made it through Immigration with no issues and currently have a 30 day pass to travel around Thailand.  Let's see what I can get done!

I met a fellow traveler Leon from Holland who was hoping to share a cab to Khao San (a popular street for backpackers and near both of our hostels).  A shuttle bus, small bus, and taxi later found us to our destination.  Note to self: Pack less stuff!!!  I was dying from the heat and carrying all my bags wasn't helping matters.   I got to my hostel in one piece but dripping sweat.  ::chuckles::  Even he thought I had too much stuff.  I'm realizing the issue is more that my backpack itself is rather small.

The hostel I'm staying at is fantastic.  There weren't many backpackers there when I first arrived but met a group of them later that night.  The bathroom is entertaining.  It took me a minute to figure out about the little sprayer next to the toilet, but...Hey Hey!!  ::light bulb went off::  And let's just say my first shower resulted in EVERYTHING getting wet.  Oops!

I went exploring with Leon and we tried some vendor food (so much to choose from!) and found a beautiful temple.  I've discovered that isn't actually hard as you find one about every 2 blocks or so.
I promise to talk more about my experiences in Bangkok but I've got a bus and then a train to catch to Pak Chong and then heading to Khao Yai, a national park.  I'm going to camp out for a few days there so I'll try and write more and upload when I get near internet again.

But a brief teaser, I can now cross off eating scorpions and grass hoppers and going on a tuk tuk ride off my list.  ::grin::

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