Sunday, January 31, 2016

Monkey Invasion

I continuously feel bad during my travels about not updating my blog more.  A couple of times I’ve thought ‘Well, I’ll just try and post little stories instead of these long drawn-out ordeals.’  Have any of you ever known me to tell a short story??  Yeah, that’s what I thought.  ::chuckle::  I guess I prefer to tell stories in person; there’s that added element of arm gestures and vocal tone you just can’t duplicate.  It’s what makes a Kira story a Kira story.  Plus I get to be such a perfectionist while writing that I’m constantly going back and adjusting my words so it takes forever just to get a paragraph down.  And then I sit on it for a while and feel the moment has passed to post it.  It’s no wonder people rarely have any idea where the heck I am in the world.  ::laugh::

But I have great news!!  Many of you will be able to hear these stories first hand!!  Yes, that’s right.  Monkey is coming to the States for a visit!!!!  ::happy dance::  When I found out one of my best friends was having her first baby, it was a given that I had to be there.  And obviously if I come back, I have to make the rounds.

Now I don’t have exact dates yet since plane tickets cost money.  Crazy, right?  ::grin::  But I’ve got tentative dates in mind and I’m just too damn excited not to share.  Hell, this all may change tomorrow, especially if people know of cheaper flights and such.  ::nudge nudge wink wink::  I’m looking at flying into LA around the 23rd of May and catch a connecting flight to Florida to spend time with my two siblings for their birthdays.  And then depending on baby dates, either a long weekend in Pittsburgh and then about 2 ½ weeks in Rochester, or flip it and go to Rochester first.  And then of course Wisconsin to see the parents, my other brother, and my adorable nephews.  I'm looking at heading back to Aussie around July 8th. There are other places I would love to visit if time (and money allows) such as Minnesota, Seattle/Portland, and NYC.  Guess we’ll just have to see!!

So mark your calendars people!!!  And prepare the couches and floor space!!  I’M SO FRICKEN EXCITED TO SEE YOU ALL IN A FEW MONTHS!!!
Prepare yourselves people!  It's gonna be a crazy ride!!
Photo property of Kira Zebroski
Side note:  I just re-read this thing and had to laugh at all the exclamation points.  Maybe I’ll need to change some to bold, capital letters to get my point across.  ::chuckle::


  1. Kira,

    You did a great job and it seems you are so happy in Thailand, good luck dear and keep it up about your blog.
    Vietnam tours

    1. Thanks, I really appreciate it. And it just goes to show I need to update this more often. ::chuckle:: I'm actually in Australia right now.
