Monday, September 26, 2016

2 year anniversary

Hi everyone!!  I know this has taken a while for me to get out.  And here I thought it would be easier and faster since I made a video.  I guess I should take into consideration bad internet connection next time.  ::chuckle::  Oh well!

Here it is!  A rather long video of me putting some thoughts out there about the last 2 years of traveling and an update (sort of) on where I'm headed next.  In true Monkey fashion, I ramble a bit but I figured it makes the video all the more endearing....maybe.  ENJOY!!

I also have a small compliation of some videos I've done while traveling if you're interested.  I have many I still need to put up but it's been put in the "to-do" list like so many other things.  
Youtube vlog

Thank you again for everyone's continued support and love.  It really helps keep me going in times when I wonder what the hell I was thinking leaving everything behind.  ::laugh::  Lovelovelovelovelove!!!!!


  1. Im so glad you made a video!!! Im currently working on a video today for work, i know it can be difficult! But your use of video is so genuine, and gives us a chance to even kind of hang out with you! We DO miss you! Remember we were both encouraging each other. So spend at least 10 minutes a day, so little time if you think of it, but ten minutes a day getting those bogs, vlogs etc out! Lovelovelovelovelove!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much Judy!! I'm so glad to hear you liked my video. And yes, that was such a great conversation we had. The reminder was just what I needed to get my latest post up. I'm going to stick with it. How are yours going? Lovelovelovelovelove!!!
